Jun 30, 2010

Kuching - second day

Date : 2010-03-23

距离Kuching 公干的那篇  这个第二篇隔了很久哦
话说第二天  我们就正式开始工作了
先是开会  然后就去Site Visit
傍晚的时候   我们就去Water Front逛逛
然后去买 Kek Lapis  吃晚餐  就回去休息了

#1 @ Kuching RNO after meeting

#2 take sampan to cross the river 这是要去一间乡村小学的必经之路

#3 Reached Kampung Muhibbah 马来甘榜

#4 Scary scary 我们全程都要走在这种桥上哦

#5 SK KG Muhibbah

#6 It's just a papan long house

#7 the corridor

#8 We provide VSAT services to this school

#9 Group picture before we left

#10 Kuching city 

#11 Kuching city

#12 shopping time 买了一些纪念品 

#13 我又出现啦

 #14 我们要去坐船了

 #15 Crossing the river to get Kuching famous Kek Lapis

#16 这张照片我很喜欢

#17 到处都是酒店

#18 Must buy thing

#19 You can try as much as you can

#20 going back to town

#21 Group picture in front of Cat statue

#22 Dinner at this Muslim Seafood

#23 Yummy

#24 group picture


yung . said...

ayoo so awkward lor u standing among old people..

Julez said...

wow... but at least you have one gang to go with lor =)